Minutes of the Committee Meeting of the
Albrighton & District Civic Society
held at 31/32 High St, Albrighton,
on Monday 3rd August 2015 at 2pm

Present :       
Peter Woodman - Chairman
Rod Smith – Secretary
John Bulmer
Bob Hickson
Ron Kidson

1. Apologies received from Peter Leigh, Mike Pitchford, David Thomas (ex-officio representing Boningale PC) and David Beechey (ex-officio representing Donington-with-Boscobel PC). Michael Ward (ex-officio representing Albrighton PC) did not attend.

2. Minutes of Meeting of 6th July 2015 were approved.

3. Treasurer’s Report.– MP could not attend and his report will be made at a next meeting.

4. To consider progress in regard to following main issues

a) Boningale Homes Ltd (BHL)  development of the Land East of Shaw Lane
PW reported that BHL are to make a presentation to Alb PC at their next meeting prior to the public session.
ACTION: following that Alb PC meeting PW to ask Boningale Homes if they and their consultant would meet us to discuss our comments and in particular to allow RK to understand their drainage scheme.

b) Pedestrian Access Ramp. RS reported that:-
i) Alb PC had voted to accept ownership of the ramp (subject to a risk assessment and insurance cover).  
ii) Mark Pritchard had replied to Cllr Silvia Pledger’s letter and confirmed that DfT would make it a condition of the next franchise agreement that the train operator would carry out operational maintenance of the ramp as they do for the rest of the station area.
iii) Alice dilly (SC) had said that the revised drawing of the footpath in Station Rd would be ready mid August. ACTION: RS to follow this up with A Dilly.
iv) EE’s land agent Bilfinger had written to the Secretary of the Ramp Team (RS) to ask if the consortium of PCs would also accept ownership of the small “isolated “ piece of EE land which would be left between the ramp and the NR land. RS had replied to say that he had requested confirmation from the Chairman of Alb PC who leads the Consortium. ACTION: RS to follow up with Cllr Pledger.

c) ADCS/APC Liaison. ACTION: PW would try to set up a meeting of ADCS officers and PC representatives early September.

d) AAHF. RK and PW, as committee members of AAHF, reported that since the resignation of KF due to ill health there was to be a committee meeting to decide its future. PW suggested that it may be possible for the AAHF to be put into abeyance to see if any other people would be willing to take it forward.

e) Eyesores.
BH said that he and PW & JB would meet Steve Brown (Highways, Transport & Environmental Commissioning Manager, SC) on Fri 14th August and walk round the village to view the worst eyesores.
PW reported that the promises from the owners to restart the refurbishment work and to fix the dangerous garage door had come to nothing. ACTION: PW & BH to raise the matter with Steve Brown at the forthcoming meeting to see if SC is able to do anything.
BH reported that Alb PC’s workman had painted (black) the lower 2m of many sign posts.
BH reported that Michael Ward had said that SC own all the benches except those outside the Harp Pub (which the pub own). RK said that the benches at Whiston Close and Cotswold Drive were paid for by Alb PC but unless APC ownership could be established they will, by default, be owned by SC on whose land they are situated. RS confirmed that during the laying of new kerbs in Cross Rd some years ago the Whiston Close bench had been removed, refurbished and reinstated by SC.

f)  George Evans’ Community Fund
RK reported that George Evans thought that the fund would not pay for refurbishment of benches as this is the duty of the council. ACTION:All  We need to suggest something else.

5. Matters arising
a) Future of the Library. Members would attend the “open day” to be arranged by SC at end of August to understand what is being suggested.

b) Future of the Swimming Pool. It was agreed that this village asset was very important for school children in term time and also for children and adults at evenings in term time and during the holidays. Albrighton was lucky to have a pool in which many of our children have learnt to swim at the lessons provided by the swimming club.  It was agreed that the Society did have an interest in this asset and that all efforts should be made to retain it. It was agreed that the Society should endeavour to work with others such as the Swimming Club and the Parish Councils in order to find a way to keep it.
ACTION: The committee confirmed that RS should set up a meeting of ADCS officers with the Swimming Club Chairman Samantha Taylor.

ACTION: It agreed that the future of the Library and Swimming Pool were very important matters and that they should be the main items at the Society’s Public Meeting (and AGM) on 12th October. Speakers from SC could be asked to introduce the matters and explain the situation and their proposals. It would be useful to have speakers from the Parish Councils and others could be asked to contribute.
It was agreed that these matters were so important that the public meeting would be better if it was put on under the auspices of the Society and the Parish Councils of Albrighton and Donington-with-Boscobel as a joint venture. If the PC’s did not wish to participate then the Society would proceed to organise the October public meeting as usual and would include these two subjects.

c) School Awards Scheme. It was agreed that the provisional subject for the 2016 competition was “Local Sport and Recreation”. ACTION: PW to discuss this with all three schools and to finalise the topic
6. AOB

Next  meeting:  2p.m. Monday 7th September at 31/32 High St. (Peter Woodman’s house). 

Following Meeting will be at 2pm on Monday 5th October  2015

All future AGMs are on the second Monday of October

Public Meeting & AGM is at 7.00pm
on Monday 12th October 2015